Vaccinations are NOT Immunizations!!!

Vaccinations are NOT Immunizations!!!

by  | on May 17, 2012

Vaccinations are NOT Immunizations!!!

Vaccine /vac·cine/ (vak´sēn) a suspension of attenuated or killed microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, or rickettsiae), or of antigenic proteins derived from them, administered for prevention, amelioration, or treatment of infectious diseases.
Immunization /im·mu·ni·za·tion/ (im″u-nĭ-za´shun) the process of rendering a subject immune, or of becoming immune.


Vaccinations are an artificial way of triggering the body with manmade pathogens. It is only a temporary response in that you constantly need “boosters”. The vaccine injects an antigen into the body to produce a reaction in the immune system to form antibodies. But antibodies in the body don’t necessarily mean that you are immune!! Vaccinations skip the normal immune response & can trigger an over production of cytokines. Cytokines are any of several regulatory proteins, such as the interleukins and lymphokines, that are released by cells of the immune system and act as inter-cellular mediators in the generation of an immune response. Too much of these proteins can damage tissues or organs & even stop the heart or block airways.
According to the Medical Dictionary vaccination ingredients are composed of various ingredients including avian embryos, rabbit brain tissue, or monkey kidney tissue.(Pretty disgusting if you ask me!!!!) They are usually inactivated by formalin, phenol, acetone or beta-propiolactone.(Which are toxins!!!)
Aluminum gels or salts of aluminum which are added as adjuvants to help the vaccine stimulate a better response. Adjuvants help promote an earlier, more potent response, and more persistent immune response to the vaccine.
Antibiotics which are added to some vaccines to prevent the growth of germs (bacteria) during production and storage of the vaccine. No vaccine produced in the United States contains penicillin.
Egg protein is found in influenza and yellow fever vaccines, which are prepared using chicken eggs. Ordinarily, persons who are able to eat eggs or egg products safely can receive these vaccines.
Formaldehyde is used to inactivate bacterial products for toxoid vaccines, (these are vaccines that use an inactive bacterial toxin to produce immunity.) It is also used to kill unwanted viruses and bacteria that might contaminate the vaccine during production. Most formaldehyde is removed from the vaccine before it is packaged.
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) and 2-phenoxy-ethanol which are used as stabilizers in a few vaccines to help the vaccine remain unchanged when the vaccine is exposed to heat, light, acidity, or humidity.
Thimerosal is a mercury-containing preservative that is added to vials of vaccine that contain more than one dose to prevent contamination and growth of potentially harmful bacteria.
Did you read the list??? They are adding KNOWN TOXINS to your vaccines!!!!

Vaccinations are NOT Immunizations!!!

Statistics Against Vaccination
* Jamie Murphy states that 40-65% of inoculated disease in the US occurs in vaccinated groups
* Deaths due to immunizations are most prevalent in children 1-3 months old
* Due to under reporting, as many as 120,000 children annually could be seriously injured
* Stephanie Cave, MD, states that at 2 years old, the average child receives 237 mcg of mercury exceeding the EPA level of .1 mcg per kg (NOTE-EPA has no jurisdiction over drugs)
* Leo Kanner identified Autism in the 1930.s (Thiomersal was introduced then) and IV chelation is of little value as Thiomersal stores in the gut
* Wakefield states measles dropped 85% before the introduction of MMR vaccine, he noticed 100% lymphoid hyperplasia in Autistic children
* O.Leary has shown evidence of the measles virus in 96% of the GI lymphoid tissue of Autistic children and 76% among Crohn’s sufferers
* .Background Susceptibility.-previous exposure of mother increases the risk of a child becoming autistic upon MMR immunization
* Simian virus transferred to humans via polio vaccine
* In 1975, Germany halted pertussis vaccination and the incidence has dropped
* Mary Megson, MD, correlated deficiency of vitamin A in children getting Autism after vaccination
* V. Singh, MDM at Utah State, studied 400 cases of autistic-related .hyper-immune responses. in which the immune system attacked the nerve sheaths – 55% followed MMR and 33% followed DPT immunization
* CDC has reported measles outbreaks in schools with vaccination levels of 98 to 100%
* A Japanese report demonstrated a live measles virus in mono-nuclear cells of children with autoimmune hepatitis
* Flu shots among the AIDS population raised the viral burden without protecting them (only 44% created antibodies to the flu)
* Asthma occurred in 10.69% of children immunized with DPT versus 1.97% of non-DPT immunized (448 patient study)
* Increased incidence of gelatin food allergies were found among those having systemic vaccine reactions


Your body has a natural response to disease called Immunity. You body can Immunize itself. That is what Immunization is!!! Natural Immunization is best for your body!! Take a look at Chicken Pox. When most people were young, they contracted Chicken Pox. They built their own immunity within their own body. Most people that had Chicken Pox would never get them again. When your body is exposed to a disease or illness it builds the antibodies to fight it off if it should encounter it again!! With the vaccines, the body is only exposed to the pathogens that are put in them & the chemicals. So therefore the recommendations of “re vaccination” are required. So over exposure to Aluminum, Mercury & other chemicals is inevitable!!!

Vaccinations are NOT Immunizations!!!

Plain & simple know the facts before you vaccinate!!! So you can make an educated decision as to whether you want to expose yourself or your child to the toxins associated with vaccines!!
If your doctor insists that vaccines are safe, have THEM sign this form!!! If he refuses then you have your answer!!!
Educate & be educated for a healthier way of living!!!
Maureen Bruno
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