MB Comment: Watch the medical mafia and vaccine manufacturers thump their chests like gorillas and proclaim that Italian courts know nothing about science (vaccine pseudo-science), which has proven unequivocally that vaccines don’t cause autism.
Oh yeah? Read a medical textbook or the Merck MMR package insert (page 7, adverse reactions) – primate morons. By definition, vaccines cause encephalitis. The aftermath of measles vaccine-induced encephalitis includes brain damage, death andautism spectrum disorders, which have been acknowledged by the US National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
Vaccine plutocrats like Offit would also like to erase that evidence and prevent the US compensation program from helping the victims that they have injured. Vaccines: Modern medicine’s greatest achievement? Not for the numerous victims of vaccine adverse reactions, like the one described in this article.
This is a google translation of the Italian article.
Autism. Court of Rimini: “Blame the vaccine.” Ministry ordered to pay compensation
The court granted the appeal by parents of a child who, according to the prosecution, would become autistic after vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella. Asked for compensation to the Ministry of Health. Sites, FIMMG, FIMP and Sip: “Judgment based on false science.” Here is the text.
April 10 – It seemed an old theory, now discredited, but the Court of Rimini has returned to claim that a vaccine can take a child to become autistic. He did it with no judgment. 2010 \ 148, Position No. 2010 \ 0474; Cron. N ° 2012 \ 886, with which he has accepted the appeal lodged by a pair of parents against the Ministry of Health to demand payment of compensation for irreversible complications caused by a vaccination.
The vaccine in question is the one against measles, mumps and rubella. According to the parents, in fact, the symptoms of autism in their child would have arisen just after inoculation. Even the same day, as stated in the judgment. Returning dall’Auls of Riccione, March 26, 2004, the child would begin to show worrisome symptoms (diarrhea and nervousness), while between 2004 and 2005 would have appeared signs of severe psychological and physical discomfort to the recognition, August 31, 2007, total and permanent disability to 100%. Whether this was due to vaccinations you practice the specialist Niglio already stated in June 2008 and to confirm it arrived a year later, the specialist Montanari.
That this condition was due “with reasonable scientific probability” to the administration of the vaccine MPR occurred at the ASL in Riccione was then the medical-legal evaluation of the auxiliary, that judges must be upheld. Established, therefore, that the child has been harmed by the irreversible complications due to vaccination, the court ordered the Ministry of Health to pay the compensation.
The ruling has caused “great confusion” among the experts of the Scientific Board of the Vaccine Schedule for Life, which brings together figures of high standing of Hygiene and Public Health, General Medicine, Paediatrics of the hospital and university-territorial belonging to the Company Italian of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health (sites), the Italian Federation of General Practitioners (FIMMG), the Italian Federation of Paediatricians Doctors (FIMP) and the Italian Society of Pediatrics (SIP).
The judge, according to these experts, should have “apparently” based on “what is published, now 14 years ago, the Lancet, and subsequently withdrawn by the obvious lack of foundation of what was initially proposed by a group of British researchers.”
The judge, according to these experts, should have “apparently” based on “what is published, now 14 years ago, the Lancet, and subsequently withdrawn by the obvious lack of foundation of what was initially proposed by a group of British researchers.”
The known medical journal Lancet has officially withdrawn because the study on possible links between autism and MMR trivalent vaccine. The article, published in 1998 and written by British doctor Andrew Wakefield, was due to a long scientific dispute lasted almost 12 years. Wakefield claimed that the vaccine was due to intestinal infections, in turn linked to Kanner’s syndrome. His claims were discredited by the scientific world, and were at the base of one of the most important disputes in the history of medicine: “Unfortunately – says the Scientific Board – the false thesis proposals led to a strong decrease in the number of vaccinations in the United States, in Great Britain and other parts of Europe with the result, in many cases disastrous, a sudden increase of cases of measles and its complications, including several cases of encephalitis and death. “
“Different points of the 1998 work of Wakefield are incorrect,” he said in a press release the same journal, by retracting the publication of 1998, experts remind SItI of FIMMG of FIMP and Sip in a statement, adding that ” a disciplinary committee of the British General Medical Committee (General Medical Council), after a careful study, has decreed as Wakefield presented his research in ‘irresponsible and dishonest’ and has ‘callously ignored’ the suffering of the children under study. In the report of the Scientific Committee says, moreover, that Wakefield also has ‘ruined reputation’ of the medical profession. Wakefield himself was expelled from the Royal College of Physicians and can no longer practice medicine. So sharp and severe verdicts that leave little doubt. “
The Scientific Board points out however that “the results of two recently published scientific studies on one of the most authoritative medical journals worldwide, the British Medical Journal (January 5, 2011 a BMJ 2011; 342: c5347, and the other published on 11 January 2011 – BMJ 2011; 342: c5258) have decreed the groundlessness of this association, among other things, that patients were recruited by anti-vaccine activists, and that the study was commissioned and financed by a special purpose characterized by ideological prejudices and economic interests. “
“Too often, without scientifically sustainable evidence, the only temporal relationship between administration of a vaccine and an adverse event or disease due to unknown causes is considered by itself sufficient to determine that the fault of vaccination,” said the Board , which states that “before taking actions that directly or indirectly hesitate in the negative on the whole community, putting at risk of illness for children and adults a negative impact on adherence to national prevention programs, one called to judge – former Act 210 Commissions / 92 included – take the most rigorous scientific and especially the sustainability of the claims, judgments and assessments based on acquisitions universally recognized. “
“It is also unusual – continues the statement of experts SItI, FIMMG, FIMP and Sip – the fact that the judgment can ignore the motives and actions of national and international scientific community, among other things, has the right / duty to protect all workers for the sole purpose to practice the profession with the necessary medical and legal guarantees. Unfortunately, decisions like the one just issued are likely to be the only result in loss of confidence in a key preventive tool for the health of children and the entire population, with subsequent re-emergence of serious and sometimes fatal diseases such as measles, leading however, the parents of children with a serious illness such as autism the false belief that he had found the reason of so many sufferings. And certainly these parents do not deserve further falsehoods about the condition of their children. “
Finally, to avoid adversely affecting law make that judgment on the dynamics of professional operators, the Board hopes that the Ministry of Health as a defendant in the case which challenged the decision at first instance, wants to propose at the Appeal Court of Bologna. In this regard, the members of the Board will make “available to assist the Attorney General’s Office by providing advice and literature that serves to reiterate the lex artis and in particular the inability of specific vaccination with the value set prior causal determinism in autism “.
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