9 Cheap Detoxification Herbs

9 Detox Herbs That Will Make You Feel Like a Million Bucks

Are you afraid of rising health care costs?
Are you worried about your ability to be healthy in our demanding world?
Would you like to feel like a million bucks?
I personally believe that becoming healthy is a process which includes diet, exercise, good sleep and effective stress management. However, it is not possible to always do everything you need to do to be healthy.
Unfortunately, we also live in a time where the toxins in our environment can overwhelm our bodies. Environmental toxins, plastics, the pollution caused by large amounts of carbon in the air, metals, and all the food toxins from pesticides, additives and dyes add to toxic stress in our bodies and invite disease.
If not dealt with, toxins will result in diseases that will be chronic and probably expensive. One solution is to detox regularly: in the spring and fall. Another is to take detox herbs on a regular basis. I have assembled a list of wonderful herbs that I have used for over a decade that are excellent for reducing toxins in the body and maintaining balance and health.
In order to regularly detox you need to know what you need to do and what will get the job done.
  1. Mangistha. To have a strong immune system, you need to clean the lymphatic system, which is the seat of our immune system. The lymphatic system is all over our bodies. It starts in  our intestinal wall. It is also found in the skin and all of our organs where it acts as a toxic waste removal system. There is a strong relationship between our digestion and our immune systems which means that when the lymphatic system is compromised, our immune systems cannot do their jobs. The herb best suited for supporting our lymphatic system is manjistha.
  2. Turmeric. The health of our digestive system affects our immune system. The mucus membrane of the gut, a part of the lymph system is compromised by digestive imbalances. These imbalances which can be caused by toxins, diet choices, stress and lifestyle manifest either as constipation or diarrhea depending on whether the imbalances are drying or creating congestion. Seasonal factors can add to the imbalances. These imbalances interfere with our immune functioning. Turmeric is an herb that helps with this.
  3. Beets and fenugreek thin the bile. When there is congestion in the mucus membranes of the intestine, toxins do not get processed by the intestines. Instead they back up to the liver which thickens the bile which in turn creates congestion in the bile and pancreatic ducts. The result is that fats cannot be digested, fat soluble toxins cannot be processed and digestive enzymes are not as available to do their job. This compromises both the immune system and digestion. Beets and fenugreek support the body’s bile as natural supplements or as part of a meal.
  4. Guduchi cleanses the liver so that it can process fat soluble toxins so that they do not end up stored in fat cells throughout the body.
  5. Shilajit is known for assisting cell regeneration. When you have a build up of toxicity in the body, your cells will be malnourished. Cell regeneration helps restore nutrition and energy to the cells of the body. Shilajit is the herb for rejuvenating the cells.
  6. Gymnema sylvestre balances the blood sugar which helps prevent diabetes. Even if you consume little sugar, it is in so many foods, that you may nonetheless have a blood sugar imbalance. Blood sugar levels when stabilized make it easier it use fat stores as fuel for the body, in addition to preventing a long term chronic diseases. Gymnena is a wonderful herb for stabilizing blood sugar.
  7. Ginger is a great herb for restoring digestion. When toxins impair the process of digestion and when the digestive enzymes have been weakened, they need assistance to restore their functioning. Ginger will stimulate the digestive system.
  8. Triphala is one of the oldest herbal formulations. It includes amalaki, bibhitaki, and haritaki, three detox herbs that support all systems of the body.  Triphala can be used as a mild laxative and it is safe to be used regularly as a gentle balancer to the body.
  9. Neem is a wonder herb from the neem tree. It is most commonly known as an herb for the skin and dental health. However, it is also antibacterial, antifungical, anti-viral, antiseptic, anti-diabetic, and blood purifying, and has many other practical uses.
None of these detox herbs are expensive and all can help you improve your quality of life by removing toxins from you body and helping to feel like a million bucks.