What can we do to rescue Ayurveda?


In a meeting some of the seniormost ayurvedic physicians of Odisha expressed their anguish over the decline of ayurveda in Odisha.

They put forth some demands that we all should be aware of.

  • Like in the Centre, the State should also have a Ministry of Ayush with separate divisions for the holistic systems including ayurveda
  • They expressed their unhappiness over the way Ayurveda is being projected as a mere stop gap system in the new concept of integrated medicine
  • Ayurveda is a complete stand alone system that encompasses philosophy, attitudes, life and living, goal of life, ones relationship with nature, living beings, family and society, and ones duties and responsibilities. Treatment is only when people fall sick when they fail to follow the natural laws, incorporated within everyone, and are subject to resultant stresses and strains
  • The knowledge of Ayurveda has completely disappeared from public memory. Ayurveda was earlier a part of daily life and its similies a part of vocabulary
  • Today people feel that ayurveda is mere herbalism; promoting this herb for that disease
  • Ayurveds are tackling serious conditions based on their own knowledge systems in regions where other systems cannot reach but these achievements remain hidden. Even in cities the ayurveds are routinely treating difficult cases
  • The Ayurveds respect all other systems but want their own opinions to hold sway in matters of integration
  • They are worried about the way Ayurveda is being taught and propagated as a quick fix and fad. This takes away the seriousness of the science which has evolved based on thousands of years of deep thinking, practice, observation, and experience
  • 80% of ayurveda is about empowering individuals, families, and society. Without this the health needs of the people and society cannot be met
  • They want a system whereby educated public can depend upon the knowledge system and sincere practice that is ayurveda in full; from pregnancy to old age, and remain healthy. The ayurveds do not like sick people and are alarmed by the illnesses they are witnessing now

They feel India has neglected ayurveda for too long and if it continues to do so, there may not be people around to take things forward

The elderly Ayurveds are begging to be heard and taken seriously. They do not want to leave this world without planting the seed of hope and seeing it grow.

These issues are not limited to the Ayurveds alone. It is time for the whole world to understand the anguish of the senior physicians of the holistic systems and the utter neglect towards the holistic sciences that have been seriously neglected despite their astounding achievements and tremendous potential towards building a healthy and happy world.

Today we have universities and degrees, yet we lack learning. We have prescriptions but not the right treatment. We have a system of "health care" but no health. We have towering medical personalities but no knowledge about health and cures. We have millions of hospitals and clinics but no answers to the growing list of diseases (more than 18,000 as on date) that are plaguing mankind.

Should we ignore this gargantuan problem and proceed as if it does not exist? Should those who have spent a lifetime trying to help humanity die with their wishes remaining unfulfilled?

Should we remain mute witness to the destruction of humanity?

Whatever be our preferences in the range of holistic modalities available, and those that have benefitted us, it is our duty to support and propagate them so that the coming generations do not undergo the extreme suffering that mankind is undergoing now.

It is now or never. Once the elderly depart, with them will depart the knowledge systems that kept both people and nature healthy and happy.

It is time to break the silence and allow the voices of the senior physicians to be heard.