Astrologer Umesh Mishra on 2025


Astrologer Umesh Mishra on 2025.

Mishraji sort of disappeared after his video on the solar eclipse in 2020 where he said that he is pained over what he is coming to know from his study of planetary combinations. He famously declared, "Akash ki sthiti achhi nahi hai"; the position of stars in the skies do not point towards a good future. He also said in that video in 2020; I can see that the next 45 years will be very harsh.

A very sensitive person, he decided not to speak on the subject again. His videos coming now and then reverted to usual astrological discussions. He blamed his health for not taking up serious subjects.

But currently Mishra ji has spoken on the planetary positions on 29th March 2025 evening.

He says that the world is entering a period of great turbulence. The Sun reflects the government. A solar eclipse on the first day of the eastern new year (which is from April to March) is very problematic. He also says the position of the Sun is indicating disruptions.

The solar eclipse will not be visible in India and therefore the country will be spared to some extent. But the situation will be terrible in those countries where it will be visible. Governments and people will be in deep trouble. As the world is now one, the events will impact all countries.

In India Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Panipat, desert or sandy regions, wetlands, and Varanasi may witness troubles and upheavals. He warns coastal regions including Kerala. Africa, Sudan, Sahara region, France, Portugal, Egypt, England, New Zealand, Spain, UAE can be affected.China, Iran, Afghanisthan are also indicated to suffer.

Incidences of cardiac problems are slated to increase. One should not neglect any uneasiness in the chest. He hints at the sudden deaths that are occurring to emphasize the point.

In India the Home Ministry will be in a bit of a spot due to various reasons and public protests may erupt.

He says all must surrender to the divine. This is not the time to be agnostic or atheist or even be lazy in prayers. The egoistic will be humbled. Those who have secretly committed heinous acts will suffer. He also warns against unnecessary travel or exertions. He says unnatural and untimely deaths have become a norm.

He asks people to stock up on money, food, and necessities and also take care of their health. He says the third world war may not start but the disturbances will be akin to a world war. Very strong words coming from him. He also says we should be wary of the water element which becomes destructive during passage from one Yuga to another. That is, he is clearly saying that we are at the fag end of Kali Yuga.

He talks of loss of wealth. People may become penniless and incapable of further business of any kind. Not all, he seems to say. This may occur due to wrong and reckless decisions.

He warns about the period 29th March to 5th May when combinations of 4 to 5 planets remain in Pisces. But he repeats the entire April 2025 to March 2026 period is one of turmoil.

He is deliberately trying not to speak on the chart. But he touches upon the points in an uninterested manner. This itself indicates that there are things to worry about.

He says he will speak again on the chart.