Nobody will gain from the coming war.


The war is being instigated by the globalists. They have their agents everywhere and feel they will emerge the winners. They expect to achieve a lot of things from the war;

  • Global depopulation
  • Fall of governments to facilitate the NWO
  • Setting up industrial revolution 2.00
  • Setting up Humanity 2.00
  • They feel nothing can stop them.
  • Satellites cover the world
  • The best of weapons are at their command
  • All are really their allies as they fuel both sides of the war
  • The population is divided and ready to go after each other's throats
  • They can engineer the weather
  • They can trigger natural calamities
  • The people injected with the Con vid carrots are as good as dead
  • They have the ability to stop wars and inject people

For those who think there will be no war, please consider that the billionaires are ready to face war retreating into their fortified bunkers with provisions for at least 20 years to outlast a nuclear winter. There are underground facilities in every country for politicians to retire into when things get tough.

While we talk of a bipolar and multipolar world, behind the curtains the leaders are united. During Con vid times though the fraud was very apparent, all the countries, barring an insignificant few, toed the line. What more proof do you want?

The war and the genetic modification of every living thing on the planet is to also provoke God. The stage is set for the ultimate confrontation. Even as the scientific world scoffs at the divine, it is engaged with the devil. They stage events as per planetary alignments and divine predictions. Astrology, numerology, symbolism, rituals are important for them as they synergize for greater impact.

But this impregnable bubble will burst. The question is, how?

We notice that the world follows a trend. While earlier the trend was to be and do good, we notice the shift when negativity entered into the world. While Kaliyuga is currently around 5100 years old, the great distortion among the general population was noticed about 2 to 300 years ago.

Swami Achyutananda warned about Kali entering into Odisha in full force. He predicted about 600 years ago that will happen when the first railway line is laid in the State. That happened in 1899. It is logical is it not? With the railway came the industry and people were finally divorced from nature. In Odisha there is the tale of a village headmaster who resisted a road to the village that was an epitome of peace. But gradually ambition got the better of people and the road was built. Peace departed.

The entry of Kali in full force was also signaled on 4th February 1962 when 9 planets aligned creating news all over the world.

The trend towards destruction enticed and engulfed everybody promising wealth, power, comfort, and the fulfilment of desires. These are where Kali resides.

Kaliyuga is set to formally end in 2025. While there will be extreme chaos for a few years, as the dust settles, the reverse trend will become visible. Fed up of extreme violence and atrocities people will again start thinking in terms of simplicity and love. There will be a revolt against the forces that seek otherwise.

While the powers that be think they have owned all, there is discontent within. This discontent will spread as the powerful are asked to give up their power and position to make way for the new order. The industrialists will resent the fall of their empires. Armies will resent the end of their missions. The religious factions that are active today will know they have been betrayed. A community that is being propelled towards violence will realize they are being used. The new world religion will also anger those who hold sway now.

This is the weak link that will fall apart.

What else? Our civilization is based on technology. The asteroid strike that is slated either in 2027 or 2029 will disturb the earth’s axis and the pole shift will render all powered machines and gadgets useless. Achyutananda writes that the hand held machines (mobiles) will become toys.

While the powerful think they have mastered nature, nature itself is too powerful to be manipulated. The triggered events will cascade to induce impacts that will be out of control.

The unplanned massive depop will lead to societal collapse. The dumbfounded survivors will be at their wits end, unable to lead the world towards the new order.

The final event, the huge unprecedented earthquake, triggered most probably by a massive planet getting close, will reduce everything to a heap to an extent that it will be unimaginable to conceive that a civilization ever existed.

Those engineering the events know that they are destined to fail. But they try nevertheless at the end of every large cycle. They delight in distortion and destruction. The divine uses these masons to take down the structures they themselves build. This is like using the enemies’ strength against him.

The end of every major cycle is a huge test for humanity. Ordinarily only rare souls get a human birth. But things change at the end times. There is a surge in population as many are allowed entry and provided the chance to improve. The events and how we respond separates the grain from the chaff.

We have been waylaid by the devil and his ways. Even as we face the consequences we can try to reform. In that lies our redemption.