Poem: The Invisible World
The Invisible World
Half of life taken up by sleep
Much of what is left
Spent dreaming of possibilities
The invisible world has a hold on us
More than we can ever concede
It toys with emotions, feeds our fears
It is the source of joy, base of consciousness
The spark behind knowledge and intelligence
It determines our actions
Being just a step behind thought
Yet we are programmed to ignore
Think it is superstitious lore
When the going gets tough
When friends are lost
When the world seems dark
We withdraw into its recesses
Numbed by events unexpected
Overpowered, innards cry for help
It provides us strength
We pray to the invisible
Or if atheistic, we assure
Things will go right
The darkness will pass
The scientist basks in glory
He rakes in the accolade
But within he knows
The flashes of intuition
Innovations that surprise
Comes from regions
He has no control of
The invisible base
of the phenomenal world
Beyond activity, beyond concern
Throws open its treasures
To those who seek
It works and alone is
The ego takes the credit
The kinetic energy
Has its potential base
The potential emerges
From a world no one can see
The invisible world rules
Like the iceberg whose bottom
The cause of many a shipwreck
Travelers wary
Skirt around the unseen
More powerful than the seen
The invisible is open
To those who shut their eyes
Surrender to the silence
Let go their inhibitions
The world vanishes
Darkness becomes the path
Reveals the light that always is
Anxieties diminish
Fear of death recedes
The finite fails to engage
When the infinite stirs
Makes itself felt
The visible world with all its splendor
Seems a mere shadow
Floating in the haze of a light
Intensity of which consumes all
Objects lose their form
Become specks of energy floating free
Meaningless soulless entities
Have no value, no reality
Matrix revealed, past shows itself
Future is as clear as the sky
Events roll according to a plan
The ignorant mind plays along
Deceived by the game
The matrix is a possibility
Of infinite paths, of infinite worlds
Not all are to be desired
Not all can be the goal
Sticking to the path travelled
The knowledgeable know and teach
Traveler is insured from worlds
Where pain and misery
Wallow in the mire of falsehood
Intense agony in its tortuous bosom
The path survives
Only till it is practiced and revered,
Kept open for future travelers
Seeking the truth, tired of endless drama
Nothing is gained nothing is lost
The perspective changes revealing it all
We witness the world
Where change is constant
Fear is when we think it is real
But it is the image on a screen
The witness is all there is
From the invisible comes the visible
The visible ends in the invisible
The invisible remains constant
Even as uncountable worlds
Merge, emerge, function and go
It does not gain, it does not lose
Remains the same, unfathomable
The invisible is the repository
Of countless worlds that await to be
Of all knowledge that exists and beyond
Of energy that knows no end
Creativity that boggles the mind
Composed of love beyond comprehension
Peace that passeth understanding
Waiting to be tapped
The means forgotten, buried in time
Illusions do not take up space
They are a mirage, forever untrue
Seeking truth while bound to its rules
An exercise in falsehood
The world is kept busy
Doing nothing, much ado
The ego that binds
Makes the illusion possible
It is the greatest trick
The magician has up his sleeve
Being untrue in itself; whatever happens
Is false by association
The irony of it all
Invisible is where our identity lies
Our migration is the deluded mind
The conjurer becomes the identity
Leading to pleasure and inevitable pain
Remaining the witness ever free
Watch the movie unfold
Whatever happens on the screen
Raging fires, floods, and quakes
Does not affect the base
Only agitates the mind
Source of everything untrue
Seeking the truth the only aim
Jolted by events remember your home
The movie is unreal
So is your role
There is only one, no two to play
None to criticize, all is you
When the realization dawns,
The game ends, the arguments stop
The tumbler is full, the path vanishes
Silence reigns, ignorance ends
The visible disappears, troubles no more
Invisible extends to eternity and beyond.
Jagannath Chatterjee
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