Propaganda and blind faith keeps modern medicine alive
If you think medicine is a science you are mistaken. Consider these facts;
- Medicine is the largest industry in the world. Pharmaceutical drug revenue alone is $1.48 trillion per year. Device sales have revenue of $ 580 billion a year. Hospitals earn a revenue of 178.5 billion every year. Diagnostic services have a yearly turnover of 818.4 billion. All factors considered the revenue is $ 9 trillion annually as per the WHO. Considering the Govt spending on the practice the figure inflates to $ 12 to 13 trillion. It is therefore extremely powerful and all pervasive
- It is also the most corrupt. The World Corruption Report by Transparency International found it to be the most corrupt industry two years in a row. The reports were shut down and purged from every platform. But NGO's continue to report the shenanigans of the industry
- The industry is known to finance politicians and political parties to further their interests. They have positioned lobbyists as politicians and political administrators. Dr Anthony Fauci is a glaring example. His salary was more than the POTUS
- The medical doctors and scientists barring a few are not independent. They depend totally on the system for their salaries and consultancy work
- The scientists mostly cannot do any independent research. They have to depend on the system and come out with solutions that suit the industry. Those who research herbs and other natural products including natural minerals find their research condemned to the dustbin
- Scientists who do the trials often suffer undeclared conflict of interest. In many cases industry employees conduct the research after resigning and then rejoin after the research is complete
- The institutions that conduct research know they need the industry assignments to survive. They know the price they have to pay for a negative report
- There are many studies whose conclusions are at variance with the data
- There are plenty of studies that say the benefits outweigh the risks when the data clearly shows otherwise
- There are numerous instances where drugs based on such research have caused huge deaths and adverse effects and the companies have gotten away by paying pittance as fines. The net results are huge profits
- In the US all major drug companies, who are global leaders, are embroiled in huge controversies yet the industry gets away with murder
- The pricing mechanism of drugs will leave you gaping. In India 1200 to 1400% (even up to 4000%) mark-ups occur
- The industry is known to invent diseases to sell drugs. Outdated drugs are routinely repurposed for other diseases without solid evidence. Drugs are minimally changed to renew patents after expiry. The strategies are endless
- It drums up Pandemics. During the Covid 19 scam the industry earned the most in its history.
Science does not survive in such
an atmosphere; and what about results?
- This science has converted acute self limiting illnesses into chronic degenerative diseases. As per a Lancet report 95.4% of the population is sick. As per another report 54.1% of children suffer from chronic diseases.
- As per 2022 WHO report, 74% of all deaths globally are due to chronic disease
- It considers cures to be quackery and believes in disease management
- It prefers to know nothing about health. The real determinants of health are not a part of the curriculum
- There are many studies that show disease growth in society is directly proportional to the growth in numbers of doctors and hospitals in society
- Mortality rates fall when doctors go on strikes
- In many studies the health of doctors is found worse than that of patients
- In corporate hospitals doctors work beneath business managers and need to fulfil daily targets to get their salaries
- And most important, health depends on natural laws. It can never emerge from laboratories
Renowned professors, doctors, and
scientists like Peter Gotzsche , Richard Smith, Richard Horton, John Ioannidis, Fiona
Godlee, Ben Goldcare, John Geyman, Marcia Angel, and our own B M Hegde have
published books and research papers exposing the extensive fraud. It is now
known the Bible of medicine, the Harrisons Textbook of Internal Medicine is
As per Prof John Ioannidis he
often finds it difficult to believe 1% of medical research. Dr Richard Horton says
hardly 15% of medicine could be trusted. Fiona Godlee avers the entire system is compromised lock stock and barrel. Dr Hegde says the opposite of what
modern medicine proclaims is true.
Modern medicine is not the product
of medical minds. It emerged from the Rockefeller Institute of Medical
Research, the camps of Auschwitz infested by I G Farben, and is currently under the benign gaze of the
corporate philanthropist we know as Bill Gates. He talks of disease outbreaks
with glee and how they will kill millions.
Any medical system ought to have the health and wellbeing of the population as an objective. Nowhere does this system profess to do so. The objective is disease management. The result is immense profits. Medical associations exist to protect the interests of the industry, decimate competition, and ensure that the doctors within the system follow the rules and regulations of the industry.
The system is harsh on doctors. Many a good soul has been persecuted for daring
to expose the truth and try their own methods for healing their patients. Many whistleblowers have lost their lives suicided with double gunshot
wounds. The medical world is terrible and doctors know they can survive only if
they bow to the system and obey its diktats. Surveys about satisfaction in work
within the medical community reveals 94% of them are dissatisfied. Satisfaction
can come only if patients are cured. A doctor’s happiness can only result from
making people healthy.
It is propaganda and blind faith of the people that keeps medicine alive.