Making Medicine Scientific Requires Drastic Action - From within.
Making Medicine Scientific Requires Drastic Action - From within.
Today's medical personnel see themselves as scientific. The word 'science' is the shield they put up to justify their actions and also to deflect criticism. It is a word that is supposed to silence critics into submission. It provides them 'touchability' and they consider those questioning them to be untouchables and heap scorn and abuse upon them at will. What they forget is that it is their own patients who are turning against them for various reasons. Some have experienced severe adverse reactions, some have been victims of neglect, some of carelessness, many are victims of drugs and procedures that are scantily studied and decidedly harmful. Many have realized that this 'science' in its present form complicates matters and is a far cry from cures.
They turn a blind eye to all this probably because they are not in a position to bring in the required changes. Changes would require confronting the industry that has given birth to their system and today feeds and nourishes them for the business they generate. Changes would require acknowledging the wisdom of systems whose practices are diametrically opposed to their own. Unfortunately very few can call for such changes. They fear abuse and ridicule from their own peers and even cancellation of their licences to practice. While their inaction and silence may be a comfortable stance for most of them, the situation is horrific for their subjects.
They will do the world a world of good if they can reflect on the current situation and organize themselves to once again become the God's the society once thought they were. For that they should emulate their hallowed predecessors who put the patients before the profession, who believed in the process of inquiry, who resorted to the minimum medication and offered solutions that culminated in health. It is essential that practitioners read and understand what other forms of healing have to offer. Disease is dynamic and involves forces other than physical. Disease has a flow and that flow can be reversed if the dynamics of health and disease can be studied. All of this and more calls for a sacrifice. That sacrifice will be rewarded in the forms of blessings from a suffering society and will result in unalloyed respect for doctors, earning a great deal of trust in the process.
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