Clean and Vaccinated Get Asthma and Allergies
The "germaphobic" approach to life could be doing kids more harm than good. Parents who adopt and overly hygienic lifestyle for their children are at an increased risk of developing asthma, allergies and eczema.
The hygiene hypothesis holds that, when babies' exposure to germs is so limited, their immune systems are deprived of the opportunity to learn how to fend off pathogens properly...consequently their immune systems become so sensitive that the babies develop allergies. That would also explain why people who grow up in large families or who have early contact with animals are less likely to develop allergies.
Young children who share their home with dogs or cats in the first year of life are half as likely to become allergic to those animals than kids who grew up with no pets.

Young children who share their home with two dogs or cats in the first year of life are half as likely to become allergic to those animals than kids who grew up with only one dog or cat, or no pets.
Besides increases in medicated and vaccinated children in the past 20 years, the number of children with allergies has also doubled -- with the sharpest increase among the middle classes, however it may not only be our failed medical system that is only to blame.
The sharpest increase has been among the middle-classes which scientists say support their theory that youngsters from wealthier families have a weakened immune system because they live in cleaner homes.
Ahe new study looked at 184 healthy full-term babies, many of whom were at risk for allergies by virtue of having a parent with allergies. When the babies were born, their parents answered questions about the pregnancy, delivery, their family structure and living conditions...and they were given diaries to record events in the babies’ lives, such as illnesses, food introduction, medication use, etc.
Then when the babies were six months old, the parents answered a series of questions, including one about pacifier use. For the 74% of parents who indicated that their babies used pacifiers, the next question asked which method or methods parents used to clean the pacifiers--boiling (used by 54% of parents), rinsing in tap water (used by 83%) and/or the parent sucking on it before giving it back to the baby (used by 48% of parents).
Babies were examined by a pediatric allergist when they were 18 months old and also whenever symptoms suggesting a possible allergic reaction were noticed. The allergist looked for signs of eczema and asthma, both of which can indicate an allergic response, and also checked the babies’ blood for markers that suggest specific food sensitivities.
25% of the babies had eczema...5% had asthma...and 15% had food sensitivities. Pacifier use itself did not affect allergy risk. However, among the pacifier-using babies, the cleaning method made a big difference--because babies whose parents cleaned the pacifier by sucking on it were 63% less likely to develop eczema or food sensitivities and 88% less likely to develop asthma than babies whose parents did not use this cleaning method. Reassuring: Though parents often worry about spreading respiratory infections to their infants by kissing them or otherwise “swapping spit,” babies in this study whose parents sucked their pacifiers had no increased risk for respiratory infections.
Researchers suspect that parents’ sucking on their children’s pacifiers introduces microbes to their children...and the early introduction of those microbes stimulates the infants’ immune systems into learning appropriate protective responses to germs. Saliva contains a complex mix of microbiota, just as the gut does--and in fact, swallowing the microbes that wind up in the mouth may have beneficial effects on the balance of microbes in the small intestine.
Increasing levels of hygiene appeared to be especially linked to a risk of developing severe eczema.
The link between hygiene and allergies is in step with the so-called "hygiene hypothesis"--the theory that a lower exposure to germs affects the immune system's development in such a way that it is more prone to allergic reactions.
For example, previous studies have found that adults who had grown up on a farm were less likely to develop allergies, while young children exposed to older siblings at home and those who attend day care also have a lower risk of allergies and asthma.
Routine childhood vaccinations also contribute to the emergence of chronic allergic problems such as eczema, ear infections, and asthma. However, most vaccinated children come from households with lower incomes, which may support the theory that hygiene and their environment may indeed be a greater contributing factor of childhood allergies than perhaps vaccinations.
Vaccines clog our lymphatic system and lymph nodes with large protein molecules which have not been adequately broken down by our digestive processes, since vaccines by pass digestion with injections. This is why vaccines are linked to allergies, because they contain large proteins which as circulating immune complexes (CICs) or "klinkers" which cause our body to become allergic.
Approximately 20 percent of children may outgrow their allergies, but with the increased frequency of recommended vaccines before the age of 3, severe allergic reactions will likely increase.
Egg is the second most common food allergy in early childhood. Approx 1.5 to 3.2 percent of all children under 3 have an egg allergy. It is fast becoming a recognized fact that those with an egg allergy should consult their doctor before receiving a vaccination. This is because occasionally vaccines are grown in cell cultures of chick embryo’s and may cause a reaction. An example of this is the MMR.
One of the first vaccines given to children, DTaP10, contains casein. Casein allergy coincidently appears in children in the first few months of life. Another vaccine given to children at two months of age is the Pneumococcal conjugate (PCV7). Each serotype for this vaccine is grown in soy peptone broth. A soy allergy is most common in infants and is usually noticed by 3 months of age...coincidence?
Injections have been used to create allergies in test animals. Any food protein remaining in the vaccine from the culture medium or diluent oils when injected along with an adjuvant can cause a food allergy.
More educated and affluent households are less likely to vaccinate, which contradicts the misconceptions of many health professionals who profess that parents don't vaccinate because they are under-educated, poor or misinformed.
It's not a call for parents to abandon all hygiene practices, since hygiene (not vaccinations) is what eradicated many infectious diseases in the last few centuries. However, it is important to maintain a sense of awareness on all the factors that may affect and influence childhood allergies.
Perhaps we should start focusing more on using natural cleaners and organic cleaning supplies. Most of all, we need to eliminate cleaning products which depress our immune system with carcinogenic agents.
Dave Mihalovic is a Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in vaccine research, cancer prevention and a natural approach to treatment.
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