Indisputable Evidence For Homeopathic Remedies
Indisputable Evidence For Homeopathic Remedies
Jul 2012
So called "skeptics" of homeopathy love to falsely claim that there is no proof that ultra-dilutions are anything more than plain water - having no effect what-so-ever. Their "the system is implausible therefore impossible" argument is the unscientific basis for their rejecting all evidence of homeopathy's effectiveness.
Now there have been hundreds of basic science, pre-clinical and clinical research studies showing that homeopathy works. But just one that is indisputable is all one needs to prove that ultra-dilutions - homeopathically prepared ultra-dilutions are active. If they work - they work. End of the argument.
Well there is now indisputable, reproducible evidence for that fact - evidence that has been published in countless peer reviewed journals. In the last 25 years, there have been a repeated series[1] of in vitro experiments on the allergic response to anti-bodies using the human basophil degranulation test. These experiments have been conducted independently and on a multi-center basis in distinguished university research centers around the world. What these tests have shown is that extremely high dilutions of histamines (dilutions well into the ultra-molecular range, i.e., beyond Avogadro's number) consistently produced measurable basophil reactions (basophils are white blood cells produced by the human body). These reactions are only possible - repeat - these reactions are only possible if homeopathically prepared ultra-dilutions are active substances - something more than just plain water.
This evidence for homeopathic ultra-dilutions is incontrovertible. It is time to look at evidence of homeopathy's effectiveness with a scientific mind - an open mind - so that the wonders and immense benefits of this system can be fully explored.
1. Belon, P.J., et al; Histamine dilutions modulate basophile activation. Inflammation Research 53:181-188. Endler, al., Repetitions of fundamental research models for homeopathically prepared dilutions beyond Avogadro’s number. Homeopathy 99:25-26. Sainte Laudy, et al., Inhibition of basophil activation by histamine: A sensitive and reproducible model for study of biological activity of high dilutions. Homeopathy 98:186-197
Now there have been hundreds of basic science, pre-clinical and clinical research studies showing that homeopathy works. But just one that is indisputable is all one needs to prove that ultra-dilutions - homeopathically prepared ultra-dilutions are active. If they work - they work. End of the argument.
Well there is now indisputable, reproducible evidence for that fact - evidence that has been published in countless peer reviewed journals. In the last 25 years, there have been a repeated series[1] of in vitro experiments on the allergic response to anti-bodies using the human basophil degranulation test. These experiments have been conducted independently and on a multi-center basis in distinguished university research centers around the world. What these tests have shown is that extremely high dilutions of histamines (dilutions well into the ultra-molecular range, i.e., beyond Avogadro's number) consistently produced measurable basophil reactions (basophils are white blood cells produced by the human body). These reactions are only possible - repeat - these reactions are only possible if homeopathically prepared ultra-dilutions are active substances - something more than just plain water.
This evidence for homeopathic ultra-dilutions is incontrovertible. It is time to look at evidence of homeopathy's effectiveness with a scientific mind - an open mind - so that the wonders and immense benefits of this system can be fully explored.
1. Belon, P.J., et al; Histamine dilutions modulate basophile activation. Inflammation Research 53:181-188. Endler, al., Repetitions of fundamental research models for homeopathically prepared dilutions beyond Avogadro’s number. Homeopathy 99:25-26. Sainte Laudy, et al., Inhibition of basophil activation by histamine: A sensitive and reproducible model for study of biological activity of high dilutions. Homeopathy 98:186-197
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